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No-nonsense consulting, from folks with experience getting the job done.

Led by internet pioneer, producer and educator Elizabeth Osder, our team members have years of business, product and market development experience engaging customers across multiple channels including online, mobile, broadcast, print and broadband. Osder Group team members have worked with brands as diverse as The New York Times, Sony, IBM, Yahoo, NPR, Financial Times, Scholastic, Time Warner and a growing portfolio of innovative start-ups.

Flow ChartAlthough we offer a wide variety of products and services, we generally focus our engagements on true market and business transformation. For media and communications clients, this intersection requires a creative, rigorous and agile approach to remixing media and technology to deliver not only a loyal and engaged audience but also the desired impact on a business.

Our breadth of experience, allows us to deliver sound research driven product strategies with the operational utility of a Swiss army knife.

Our areas of expertise include Leadership, Customer Experience, and Enterprise and Product Innovation. Some of the services we offer that bridge the critical areas of growing and managing a business include:

  • Research: Focus groups, Interviews, Market Research, Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
  • Strategy: Mission Purpose and Objectives, Problem/Solution Statements, Strategic Roadmap Development, Organizational Assessment, Market Entry Strategies, Branding
  • Market: Including Market Analysis (segmentation, trends and competitive landscape); Audience/Customer Analysis (needs analysis, persona development, preferences); Partner Analysis (identification, criteria, and ranking)
  • Business Development: Corporate development, Investment, Strategic Partners
  • Product: Life cycle product development and ongoing management, including technology, product and content experiences.
    • Product Management
      • Metrics (setting and achieving)
      • Market Requirements Document (MRD)
      • Product Requirements Document (PRD)
      • Project and Program Management (Agile)
      • Roadmap Management
    • Design
      • User Experience
      • Information Architecture
      • Wireframes
      • Visual Design
      • Prototyping
    • Technology and Operations
      • Software and Platform Selection
      • Request for Proposal (RFP)
      • Software Development
    • Editorial Programming and Production
      • Content Development
      • Multimedia Production
      • Programming (Traffic Re-Circulation)
      • Workflow and Process Management
  • Optimization: Driving traffic and membership, improving operation effectiveness, including:
    • Audience Development:
      • Digital Branding and Reputation Management
      • Community Management
      • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
      • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
      • Social Media Marketing
      • Distribution Products (email, RT, etc)
      • Loyalty Programs
    • Operations
      • Staffing, Organizational Design and Operations
      • Talent Acquisition
      • Centralized Services
      • Outsourcing

Taken together, we help our clients reveal new opportunities, grow their revenues, improve operating companies and engage their communities.

To learn more about working with us click here , see what our clients are saying click here and contact us for more information here.



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The Osder Group
(626) 667-4593

What We Do



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