Elizabeth Osder has published widely in the trade, academic and popular press. She is currently working on a manuscript on digital transformation of traditional media, with a working title, Lessons Learned Traveling the Information Super Highway, A Veteran’s View. Previous publications have included:

  • Served as Editorial Program Director for three ContentNext conferences including EconSM, EconAds and EconCeleb responsibilities included developing topics, crafting panels, recruiting panelists and moderators, authoring questions and prepping panels. Panelist for these conferences included industry leaders in several disciplines including CEOs, Editors, Executive Producers of leading media, marketing and investment companies
  • Blogger: Covered topics on Economics of Social Media, Economics of Online Advertising and Celebrity Media for PaidContent and Context Next Media, including blog posts, short articles and industry highlights for daily newsletter owned by the Guardian UK.
  • Ideas: International Newspaper marketing Association, Embracing New Products, Innovating New Businesses, by Elizabeth Osder, March, 2004
  • Ideas, the magazine of the International Newspaper marketing Association, “Embracing New Products, Innovating New Businesses,” March 2004.
  • “The Adoption of a Consumer Product Development Model in New Media Newsrooms,” International Conference of COST Towards New Media Paradigms: Content, Producers, Organizations and Audiences. Universdad de Navarra, Pamplona, España, June 2003
  • “When old skills become new: The marriage of technology, narrative and design,” International Conference of COST Towards New Media Paradigms: Content, Producers, Organizations and Audiences. Universdad de Navarra, Pamplona, España, June 2004
  • Published recommendations “Websites Get Creative” in the American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE)
    Technology Report, 1996.
  • Published an article and guide “From Rock and Roll to Roaches” for the Newspaper Association of America’s Web Help – A Publishers Guide, February 1996.

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