For over a decade, The Osder Group’s Founder and President, Elizabeth Osder has been regarded as a thought leader in digital media and given dozens of presentations, speeches, lectures and participated in panels at venue’s as diverse as MIT Media Lab, Stanford University, Radio and Television News Directors (RTNDA), Newspaper Association of America (NAA), Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA), the Folio Magazine Show, OMMA and Paid Content’s EconSM.


  • Featured Speaker, Activism 2.0, The Nation Cruise, December 2008.
  • Guest Lecture, Audience and Impact, Journalism Directors Forum, USC Annenberg, October 2008.
  • Participated in a panel on New Models of Journalism in the Internet Age at the Centennial Celebration of the University of Missouri School of Journalism. Other panelists included Paul Steiger,; Jon Sawyer, Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting; Joel Kramer, Mimmpost; and Margaret Wold Freivogel, St Louis Beacon, September 2008.
  • Guest Faculty, Information Valet Project, University of Missouri, December 2008.
  • Served as moderator for panel, Traditional Media Companies Get Social; panelists included Kinsey Wilson, Editor USAToday; Gordon McCloud, President, Wall Street Journal Digital network; Jeff Price, President, Time Inc’s SI Digital; and Thomas Mueller, VP Creative Martha Stewart Living Online, at Context Next Media’s Economics of Social Media (EconSM) Conference, Los Angeles, April 2008
  • Panelist, New Models for Online News, American Society of Newspaper Editors Capital Conference; other panelists included Jennifer Carroll, VP Digital Gannett; Michael P. Smith, Media Management Center, Northwestern; Lisa Williams, founder H2otown. Moderated by Chris Peck, Editor, The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Washington DC, April 2008.


  • Panelist, Fan Labor Models (How to Foster, Monetize and Reward), MIT’s Futures of Entertainment Conference other panelists included Ralph Koster, Areae, Catherine Tosenberger, Jordan Greenhall, DivX and Mark Deuze, IU. Moderated by Henry Jenkins, MIT, November 2007
  • Panelist, Participatory Culture to Participatory Democracy, Beyond Broadcast Conference, MIT’s Comparative Media Studies Conference; other panelists included Kenny Miller, EVP MTV, Jesse Walker, Reason Magazine and Susan Buice, Four Eyed Monsters, June 2007.
  • Panelist, News 2.0, RTNDA Keynote Session; panelists included Terry Heaton, Amanda Congdon, Miles O’Brien, Zadi Diaz, and Michael Rosenblum. Las Vegas, April 2007.


  • Spoke on a panel titled “Editorial and Everyone Else, How can you work with these people?” SIIA, Content Forum, panelists included Dave Callaway, Editor in Chief, Marketplace, Tim Miller, VP/GM, The 451 Group, Gina Piarulli, J.J. Keller Associates, San Francisco, May 2006
  • Spoke on a panel titled “Emergence of Citizen Journalism and Social Media;” other panelists included Barbara Bry, Voice of San Diego, Clyde Bentley, Missouri, Dan Pachenco, Bakotopia, at the International Symposium on Online Journalism, Austin, Texas, April 2006.


  • Featured speaker, Social Media Models, at I Syndicate San Francisco, December 2005.
  • Invited to present thoughts on publishing futures at a one-day seminar on digital media at the University of Washington Digital Visions Program, May 2005.
  • Presented to media leaders at The Poynter Institute’s Web Plus 10 Anniversary Conference: Ten Years of Innovation, St. Petersburg, Florida, January 2005.
  • Delivered closing keynote, “Publishing in the 21st Century New Governing Dynamics and Economics,” at American East New Media World, a two-day seminar for large and small publishers hosted by the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association, Hershey, Pennsylvania, March 2005.


  • Conducted a seminar, “Out of Control: Convergence and New Publishing Models,” for the University Of Missouri School Of Journalism.
  • Served as moderator for a panel, “When Bad Things Happen to Good Sites,” at the 5th Annual Online Journalism Association Conferences, Los Angeles.


  • Conducted a half-day seminar, “Online Writing,” at NetMedia 2003 in Vilanova, Spain, July 2003.
  • Invited to lecture on “Profit and Peril E-Commerce meets Publishing” in the Department of Social and Economic Communcation at the University of Arts Berlin, School of Design, Berlin Germany, June 2003.
  • Spoke on a panel, “Pitfalls of Convergence,” at a one-day pre-conference session of the AEJMC convention, Kansas City, Missouri, July 2003.
  • Served as moderator for a panel, “Conflict and Coordination Online,” during the Online Political Activism: Mobilizing and Organizing in the Age of the Internet Conference at the USC Annenberg School for Communication, April 2003. Panel members included Toby Miller, NYU, Doug Thomas, USC Annenberg School; Ann Holohan and Anurag Garg both from UCLA, and Niall O’Douchartaigh, University of Ireland, Galway.
  • Spoke on a panel, “Making Money for Your Magazine Online,” at the Western Publishers Association (WPA) annual conference in Los Angeles April 2003. Other panel members included Ulla McGee, General Manager PCWorld Online; Travis Smith, Editor; Kevin MCKean, CEO & Editorial Director, InfoWorld Media Group and Avi Steinlauf, Vice President of Revenue Management,
  • Served as moderator for a panel, “Reconnecting with Young People,” at the 6th Annual USC/Berkley New Media Conference, March 2003. Panel members included Rob Curley, General Manager of World Online, the Internet division of The Lawrence Journal-World; Joel Schwartzberg, Editor and programming director for Time Inc. Interactive; James Bower, A founder of Whyville and a professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center and the University of Texas, San Antonio; Jean Chen, Online editor at Youth Radio
  • Spoke on a panel, “State of Online News,” at the American Copy Editors Society (ACES) conference in Chicago March 2003. Other panel members included Janice Castro, Northwestern University; Nora Paul, University of Minnesota and Diane Lynch, St. Michaels College.
  • Spoke on a panel, “ Beyond Teaching How to Make Links,” at the 3rd Annual Online News Association Conference in New York, October 2002. Panel participants included Ann Brill, University of Kansas; MJ Bear, American University; Jonathan McCarthy,
  • Invited to lecture at the University of Berlin on the subject of E-Commerce and Publishing in New Media,
    June 2003.
  • Interviewed in news report for NBC5, in a piece titled “Searching for Self on the Internet Yields Surprising Results,” April 2003.
  • Featured speaker, New Media Skills Workshop, Western Knight Center, Los Angeles, California, March 2003


  • Spoke on a panel, “ Beyond Teaching How to Make Links,” at the 3rd Annual Online News Association Conference in New York, October 2002. Panel participants included Ann Brill from University of Kansas; MJ Bear, American University; Jonathan McCarthy,
  • Featured speaker, “News Product Development Initiatives,” at the Stanford Joint Program in Engineering and Design, Stanford University, March 2002.
  • Served as moderator for a panel Rights Management in the New Wild West, at the Future of Content Conference, at Stanford University Graduate School of Business, April 2002. Panel members included TJ Grewal, McKinsey & Company; Ken Hertz, Founding Partner, Goldring, Hertz,Lichtenstein & Haft, LLP; Fred Von Lohmann, Electronic Frontier Foundation and Matthew Skyrm, Sony BSC Engineering.
  • Served as moderator for a panel, “Convergence: Singing the Multi-Media Medley, Or the Blues?” at the 13th Annual Interactive Newspapers Conference in San Jose, February 2002. Panel members included Dan Finnigan, President, Knight Ridder Interactive; David D. Hiller, President, Tribune Interactive; Bruce McCormack, President, CanWest Interactive; Chris Schroeder, CEO & Publisher, Washington Post Newsweek Interactive and Roy Wadia, Director of Integration, CNN.
  • Served as judge for monthly and annual SNDies Website and Interactive Multimedia program sponsored by the Estlow Center at University of Denver and the Society for News Design.


  • Spoke on a panel, “War of the Worlds Meets the Internet,” following a live performance of the radio play “War of the Worlds” by the New York City based SITI Company at Stanford University, December 2001. Panel participants included representatives from CNN and and members of the SITI Company.
  • Spoke on a panel, “Survivor: Online News, Commentary and ’Zine Culture,” at the Silicon Alley Down But Not Out Conference sponsored by Fordham University’s Center for Communication and Ironminds. The event also served as a benefit for the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE), New York, June 19, 2001
  • Served as judge for NPR/DEI (Development Exchange Inc.) Awards for Excellence in Public Radio Websites.
  • Spoke on a panel, “The First Amendment Online,” at the Freedom Forum’s First Amendment Center. The event examined a variety of first amendment issues catalyzed by the Internet and new technologies. Other panelists included representatives from The New York Times, Chicago Tribune New York and the legal and academic professions, New York, March 22, 2001.
  • Spoke on a panel, “Consult the Consultants: Gain Insight into Industry Trends and What They Mean for Public Broadcasting,” for a general session at the 2001 NPR/PBS Online Summit. Other panelists included representatives from consulting firms McKinsey and Surgency, Washington, DC Feb 26, 2001.
  • Spoke on a panel, “The Web: Death of the Word?” at the conference celebrating the grand opening of George Washington University’s New Media and Public Affairs building. Other panel members included representatives from, and Audible.
  • Spoke on a panel, “The Newsroom of the Future,” at the annual Online News Association Conference and Awards at the University of California Berkeley’s Northgate Graduate School of School of Journalism, Berkeley.


  • Served as moderator for a panel, “Creating Dynamic Multimedia Sites: Moving Beyond Words to Create Better Journalism,” at the first annual Online News Association (ONA) held at Columbia University School of Journalism, New York, December 2000. Panel members included multimedia editors from MSNBC and the Washington Post.
  • Featured speaker, “New Media in Your Newsroom: Editorial Confronts the Business World,” at the Norwegian Press Institute, Fredrikstad, Norway, September 2000.
  • Spoke on a panel, “Online Newspaper Skills and Training,” at the annual convention of the Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communications (AEJMC), Phoenix, August 2000.
  • Served as moderator for a panel, “Filling the Net,” at Columbia University, Graduate School of Journalism, New York, June 2000. Panel members included executives from Feedroom, APBNews, CourtTV and
  • Spoke on a panel, “Developing Member Station Web Initiatives,” at the annual Public Radio Conference (PRC) in Orlando, May 2000. Other panel members included managers of Public Interactive, Audible and
    National Public Radio.
  • Served as moderator for a panel, “The Online Magazine: Beyond What’s Cool and What’s Hot,” at the annual Folio Mid-West Magazine Show, Chicago, 2000. Panel members included executives from
    and Tribune Media Services.
  • Spoke on a panel, “The IT Revolution: Women, Work and Social Change,” at a conference on Women, Technology and Innovation at Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts, February 2000.
  • Spoke on a panel, “E-Commerce and the Media,” at the European Union Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, February 2000.
  • Served as a moderator for a panel, “Technological Innovations,” at the annual Editor & Publisher Interactive Newspapers Conference, February 2000. Panel members included executives from Tribune, Gen3 Partners and the Boston Globe and Indianapolis Star Tribune.


  • Served as a moderator for a panel, “The Interactive Online Magazine,” at the annual Folio Magazine Show, New York, October 1999. Panel members included executives and editors from IWon, Penthouse and
  • Spoke on a panel, “New Story Forms, Not, Online Journalism,” at the Online Journalism Symposium at the University of Texas, School of Journalism, April 1999.
  • Served as a moderator for a panel, “Careers in New Media,” at the Learning Annex, New York, March 1999. Panel members included executives from Razorfish, Blue Hypermedia and MTV.


  • Featured speaker, “Words For The 21st Century,” at Webgrrls, New York, September 1998.
  • Featured speaker, “Redesigning The New York Times on the Web,” at the annual meeting of the Society of Newspaper Design (SND), Philadelphia, September 1998.
  • Spoke on a panel, “Newsroom Integration Strategies,” at the annual Newspaper Association of America’s (NAA) Connections Conference, Orlando, June 1998.
  • Spoke to a gathering of the advisory board of The New York Times College Program, “The New York Times on the Web as an Educational Tool,” New York, April 1998.
  • Spoke on a panel, “Creating Collaborative Teams,” at Seybold/Wired Magazine Seminars,
    New York, March 1998.
  • Participated on the “Commission on Competence“ and spoke at a day long conference sponsored by The Nieman Foundation at Harvard, The Project in Excellence in Journalism and funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts at The Poynter Institute, St. Petersburg, February 1988. Conference and Commission members included executives and academics from CNN, ABC News, The Oregonian, New York University, Indiana University, Minnesota Public Radio, Detroit Free Press, The New York Times and others.
  • Spoke on a panel, “Convergence: The Electronic Edition,” at the Center for Communication, New York University, Stern School of Business, New York, February 1998. Panel members included executives from National Public Radio (NPR), CNN, Hearst Magazines and NBC.
  • Spoke on a panel, “The Evolution of Content: Build vs. Buy and Creating Effective Communities,” at Editor & Publisher’s annual Interactive Newspaper Conference, Seattle, February 1998.


  • Featured speaker, “The Multimedia Content Development Process,” at the Basque Regional Technology
    Infrastructure Development Conference, Bilboa, Spain, November 1997.
  • Featured speaker, “Newspaper Designers Meet Their Broadcast Brethren in Cyberspace,” at the Society for Newspaper Design (SND) annual conference in San Diego, October 1997.
  • Featured speaker, “In Praise of Shovelware: Creating Compelling Content,” at Editor & Publisher’s “Editorial Issues on the Web” Conference, New York, August 1997.


  • Featured speaker, “Developing Topic Oriented Web Sites,” at the IFRA, INES “Beyond the Printed Word” Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, October 1996.
  • Featured speaker, “Ideas are Cheap: Beyond the Myth of The Newspaper Web Site,” at the Newspaper Association of American’s (NAA) Annual Connections Conference, Chicago, August 1996.
  • Speaker, “Website Production Hints,” at the annual Interactive Newspaper Network (INN) Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, April 1996.
  • Featured speaker, “Developing Newspaper Web Sites,” at the annual New York Times Senior Editors Conference, Sarasota, November 1996.

The Osder Group
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