
Engagement examples by Industry


For a leading global creative agency, built and staffed a brand newsroom to service their largest client, a $140B technology firm that required complex global communications, content marketing and breaking news, workflows and cutting edge creativity. Because of the engagement the agency could deepen their engagement with the client and lock in additional long term revenue producing services.
For a leading integrated communications agency provided advisory services for product development, marketing and operations. As a result of the engagement, the firm succeeded in re-positioning its offerings and avoided substantial impact of an economic downturn.
For an Internet consulting and design firm, created a business development plan, marketing materials and rate card to support the successful launch of the company.


For a leading artificial intelligence and natural language processing technology, provided business development support that resulted in more than 100 leading media properties partnering with the technologies to provide dynamic topic pages. Partnerships resulted in increased ROI by driving deeper customer engagement (time on site and page views).
For a leading real-time semantic search and discovery engine, evaluated and identified market opportunities and developed new product offerings for both B2B and B2C markets. As a result of the engagement, new products that leverage the platform’s unique ability to identify entities and map them in real-time to breaking news were launched for both partner publishers and consumers.
For a leading Internet search technology, identified market opportunities and developed new product offerings. As a result of the engagement a new product was launched to automate the creation of META data for content and document management systems.
For a leading social media platform technology, developed a professional services model and provided strategic consulting services directly to platform customers in the media and entertainment industries. Services included audience development, engagement and operating strategies that leveraged the unique capabilities of the platform.
For an digital personal ad platform provided creative direction, business development and marketing services resulting in the successful launch and operations of the service.
For a leading gaming platform, provided strategic review of product and business development roadmap, including segmenting product features to target customers, and prioritizing key business development initiatives. As a result of this effort, partner and distribution deals were secured with leading portals.


For a leading non-profit investigative news organization, conceived of, developed and deployed their site including refining the editorial plans, information architecture, design, branding, workflow, content management and overall operations planning. As part of the engagement, a staff was hired and all operating norms were established. As a result of this engagement, the site was successfully transitioned to an internal operating team.
For a leading Spanish language news broadcaster with dozens of affiliates, evaluated their current technology platforms, developed clear strategies and tactical requirements for innovating on their existing systems or pivoting to a new system. As a result of the engagement, the complex, real time requirements for running a news organization set the standard for all go-forward software development.
For a leading political magazine, one of the nation’s oldest, provided ongoing digital media leadership that reshaped the magazine’s operations from a traditional weekly to a real-time online news operations. Initiatives over the multi-year engagement included staffing, training, operating plans, budgets, technology, infrastructure and a full –site redesign all resulting in an organization operating with digital best practices. Results include both ROI and ensured a sound digital future for this 143 year old institution.
For an online ethnic news and information portal, provided launch and business development consulting that included a traffic acquisition strategy, target partners and acquisitions and editorial development, promotions, public relations support. As a result of these efforts, traffic numbers have grown steadily and the brand quickly became established as a leading authority in its space.
For a leading newspaper company, created a website staffing, operations and initial product plan and requirements. The project resulted in the successful launch of a regional and community portal.
For a leading international financial newspaper, planned and managed the integration of a content management and publishing system to support global newsgathering and publishing operations. The project emphasized workflow and process improvements for editors having to produce original content and integrate with the systems and procedures of the print newsroom. A project team of up to 30 engineers, project managers, QA testers and trainers worked in multiple locations in the United States and United Kingdom.
For a major metropolitan newspaper ranked in the top ten in US circulation, developed a web publishing strategy addressing short and near term goals including editorial integration, editorial calendar development, advertising and revenue objectives, site design and production systems and process upgrades. The engagement included training sessions for executive leadership and succeeded in securing funding for a site redesign and systems upgrade.
For the leading newspaper company in the United Kingdom, developed product and content development initiatives for their four newspaper titles including the UK’s largest circulating daily. A recommendation for a pragmatic and incremental approach to site development was adopted by each publication. As a result of the engagement, staff sizes were kept to a minimum and executive leadership supported successful integration with legacy newspaper editorial and business operations.
For leading non-profit broadcaster of news and cultural programming, developed a prototype of their networked affiliate offerings and high bandwidth presentations of news stories. Also conducted a detailed review and validation of the broadcaster’s organizational development plan and a detailed review of their financial assumptions.
For a mid-sized metropolitan newspaper, developed a competitive analysis and site enhancement recommendation. The project resulted in a redesign of the site in order to better compete in the marketplace.
For a leading newspaper company, created a website staffing, operations and initial product plan and requirements. The project resulted in the successful launch of a regional and community portal.


For a leading cable network’s original digital entertainment programming lab, provided strategic guidance for audience development and management efforts. The lab was later acquired by a leading pure-play online media company focused on a niche demographic.
For a leading venture funded music and entertainment media company provided launch and development support during critical start-up months that included overseeing product, programming, marketing and business development initiatives. As a direct result of this engagement the company grew from 10-40 FTEs, site traffic from 3-6mm/uu and an additional $20mm in funding was secured from high profile investors.
For a network of TV and pop culture sites, provided launch consulting and social media services that included developing the site’s search referral and social media presence. As a result of this effort, traffic increased on average 20% day over day, search indexing was accelerated and social media became a top performing referrer.
For a leading lifestyle and celebrity online publication, provided strategic assessment and operating recommendations including editorial and ad development, staffing, operations, business development and product planning. The engagement resulted in increased audience engagement, reduced operating costs and renewed focus on effective direct marketing to a valuable target demographic.
For an arts and entertainment company, developed the concepts for an arts cable program and companion Internet community that included commerce, community and e-learning initiatives. Authored the business and operations plans and produced the prototype website that resulted in the project receiving additional funding and support from the arts community.
For an online fashion social media community, served as interim COO, and oversaw redesign, editorial operations, and provided strategic recommendations and presentations for funding presentations. As a result of this engagement, traffic increased 300% and headway was made on additional funding.
For a leading publisher, broadcaster and licensure of child development and birthing information, developed a business and product plan for an Internet portal. The project resulted in the successful acquisition of the publisher by the leading women’s lifestyle Internet portal.


For the world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books, leader in educational technology and children’s media, provided social media and strategic consulting services for both a teacher social network and executive presentation for funding. As a result of this engagement, operating priorities were set, and role clarity and clear lines of responsibility were established for new functions related to social media and community.
For an automotive news and information site, top five in its category (Comscore), provided a strategic assessment, operational recommendations and prototype of both a site and integrated multimedia news operations that would dramatically increase ROI, de-silo day-to-day operations and improve real-time coverage of the category.
For a leading travel industries publisher, analyzed market size, segmentation and competitive landscape and developed a set of frameworks and metrics to evaluate strategic Internet partnerships. The project resulted in a in a set of strategic initiatives that defined the publisher’s Internet strategy and positioned it as a leading syndicator of online content.
For the leading publisher of information on government, politics and public policy, conduced a product development and requirements gathering workshop emphasizing phased implementation planning and information design. The project resulted in the successful re-launch of the service.
For a leading media and information company that covers the business of digital media and serves decision makers within the media, entertainment, publishing, advertising, marketing, and technology sectors, served as interim research and programming director for conferences and research reports. As a result of these efforts, three leading conferences (Advertising, Celebrity and Social Media) were produced and two leading research reports: M&A activities and the economics of social media; the economics of online advertising.
For a consumer health and wellness publisher, conducted editorial training and development workshops for writers and editors required to contribute to new interactive products. Topics covered included online writing styles, editing tools, multimedia and hypertext storytelling and style guides.
For a leading diversified media company, developed a business, operations and market entry plan and prototype for the development of a consumer financial portal that would aggregate the content and operations of their premier consumer financial brands including two leading financial magazines and a cable channel. The project supported a successful funding of the project by the parent company and included the development of a multimedia executive presentation.

Client Testimonials

Working with Elizabeth has been both comforting and clarifying. She has been an able translator between the worlds of old and new media and has helped clarify our goals, identify our strategy and defined next steps for our site.

Joni Evans

CEO, WowOwow
Elizabeth understands the content industry from all sides, both on the creative and business side, a perspective sorely needed in these times. Elizabeth’s diligence on seeing her projects through helped our resource-strapped small company a lot.

Rafat Ali

Founder & CEO Skift
Elizabeth is genius at all things Internet. She is practical, efficient and focused, with a reverence for our journalistic mission. Her counsel has been crucial to the launch and development of ProPublica.org.

Paul Steiger

Editor, ProPublica
Elizabeth has made invaluable recommendations about our digital strategy. Few people can better tether together where the media has been, where it is now and where it is going. I am grateful for her council in navigating these challenges.

Bill Moyers

Journalist & Producer
Elizabeth is an accomplished professional who knows how to draw on all her areas of editing and on- line expertise.. She is excellent at adjusting to the special requirements of each project and tailoring her advice to work creatively with the team in place.

Tina Brown

Founder & Editor, The Daily Beast
Many claim to be pioneers in online news but Elizabeth Osder is a true pathfinder. She has worked on the future of news from every possible angle — portal, news provider, technologist — and can bring invaluable perspective and ideas to anyone trying to navigate the new world of media, news, and marketing online.

Jeff Jarvis

Director, Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism at CUNY's Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism
There are very few in the internet community who have it all. Elizabeth Osder does. She combines an audacious strategic vision with pragmatic technological solutions. Elizabeth worked with us at a critical time for our mission and work. Her deep understanding of our 143- year journalistic mission and history was an integral part of our successful work to develop Nation 2.0.

Katrina vanden Heuvel

Editor & Publisher, The Nation

The Osder Group
(626) 667-4593

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